Charles Randall

Remembering Charles Randall with his untimely death. A long time employee with Statewide Security. He will be sorely missed..
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Remembering Charles Randall with his untimely death. A long time employee with Statewide Security. He will be sorely missed..
Speed detection devices (radar units) have been in the news a lot lately. We have posted the list of approved speed detection devices for the State of Florida. We want to put to rest any concerns our clients may have. We only use speed detection devices that are on the approved list. See the list below: 15B-2.013 Approved […]
He thought he was safe inside his gated community. But the full force of vulnerability to burglary was driven home with the loss of a family heirloom. The case carried a hard lesson: There are chinks in the armor of Fortress America. In gated communities, enclaves of supposed security for many in South Florida, the […]
Sadly, crime may be a factor anywhere a person chooses to live. Because of this it is not possible for Mid-America to say whether or not the area is safe. We attempt to minimize risk by making reasonable efforts to inform our residents of significant criminal situations that have occurred as we are notified. Local […]
Resident Information Sheet For new residents and residents needing to update our information for them on file. Holiday Safety Sheet During the Holidays some tend to let their guard down, safety is a must. Halloween Safety Sheet .